“Providing opportunities to realise the potential in ourselves and others.”
Toni “Antnz” Burgess founder of AntnzVentures is an adventurer, advocate and self-proclaimed “reluctant motivator”. By “providing opportunities to realise potential in ourselves and others” she helps people to accept, adapt and overcome obstacles by turning perceived limitations, risk and barriers into assets and resilience.
With the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defining adventure as:
adventure noun
ad·ven·ture | \ əd-ˈven-chər \
Definition of adventure
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks a book recounting his many bold adventures
b: the encountering of risks the spirit of adventure
2: an exciting or remarkable experience, an adventure in exotic dining They were looking for adventure.
3: an enterprise involving financial risk, wanted to pay off her debts before embarking on any new financial adventures
adventure verb
adventured; adventuring\ əd-ˈven-ch(ə-)riŋ \
Definition of adventure (Entry 2 of 2)
transitive verb
1: to expose to danger or loss: VENTURE… those who adventured their persons and lives risked all they had for a slender reward.— Joseph Conrad
2: to venture upon: TRY… the task was always one of great difficulty and art—so much so, that it could seldom be adventured in rough or windy weather.— Edward Bulwer-Lytton
intransitive verb
1: to proceed despite risk… people going away to adventure upon the sea …— Virginia Woolf
2: to take the risk… I would adventure for such merchandise— William Shakespeare
Antnz looks at all she does as a bit of an adventure, it’s a journey, with unknown results, and often requires hard work and lateral thinking to achieve a goal, and you may or may not get there. Life’s about the journey and Antnz has plenty of journeys to draw from.

AntnzVentures (I’m Ant from NZ and I go on adVentures) started as an opportunity for friends and members of Antnz’ wider community to share the adventures from her hiking trips and connect with the energy and spirit of adventure that she has. The skills, knowledge and the ability to adapt has seen Antnz move across different sectors with innovative, out-of-the-box thinking.
Embedded in the Enabling Good Lives Approach as a Disabled People’s representative in the MidCentral Leadership Group since it was introduced to the region in 2017. Antnz has the unique position of being “previously unsupported” by disability support services since the onset of her symptoms in 1998 through a softball injury. In 2000 Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) determined that her symptoms were psychosomatic, leaving Antnz in the gap between ACC and the Ministry of Health (MoH) making the best of what life through at her despite the challenges.
Since it started AntnzVentures has grown into not only a way to document Antnz’ life adventure but also shows her path into the social policy development space, training development and delivery, and the realization of a 15year goal; the delivery and support of adaptive outdoor recreation opportunities.

6 core values drive the AntnzVentures.
Adversity is no stranger to AntnzVentures, but more than that what makes us strong is our ability to find strength, skills and the solutions that each person brings. Everyone has value, and has a meaningful contribution to make.
Hard work
At AntnzVentures we understand the value of hard work and preparation. Like all adventures, the reward is persevering through all the perceived challenges and still coming out with a positive and memorable outcome. We don’t do things by halves, we strive to out-do our previous achievements over and over again.
There is no goal impossible at AntnzVentures. Believing there are no limitations to what we can achieve and being solutions-focused ensures we are creative and are quick with ideas. There is no challenge or opportunity we will not face. If we can’t help we will help link you with people who can.

AntnzVentures is committed to achieving the goals we set for ourselves. Once we commit to working with you, no matter the challenge we will be honest, open-minded and you can rely on us to be there.
Teamwork makes AntnzVentures successful and effective; communication is a key part of that success. We’re constantly exploring the most effective ways to reach people with messages that connect, in ways that matter, are simple and can be tailored to different audiences.
Without the right people around you, nothing is achieved. AntnzVentures is committed to enabling people to connect with their communities and to enable communities to learn from each other and foster collaborative relationships across contexts.
With the catchphrase of #ThriveNotSurvive, Antnz believes that everyone has untapped potential within following their passions and can truly thrive when those passions are followed and grown into strengths.

Antnz has many strings to her bow, including expertise in adaptive outdoor recreation and sports, working with youth, risk management and analysis, and fearlessly pursues her love of the outdoors despite what others believe to be limitations. Antnz is an avid rock climber and tramper, utilising her skills and abilities to show others that if you follow your passions that you can truly achieve your dreams.
Alongside Antnz, serves Assistance Dogs NZ Trust Raven, who enhances Antnz independence, around the house, while out and about doing urban-based activities and experiencing the best that Aotearoa to offer.

Sitting quietly in the background, is Antnz’ partner of 25 years, MJ. None of this would be possible without their amazing, steadfast support, their comfort when needed and the ability to kick Antnz’ butt when required.
Follow along and be part of the AntnzVenture!